“The Birds are singing in the Distant Woods” is the title of The Violet Hour’s new on-line show.
This deliberately optimistic title is taken from Wordsworth’s poem, Resolution and Independence. We wanted to encapsulate an expression of the hope that resides in the natural world and the aspiration of a dream for a better future, which is common to the whole of humanity, especially in a time of crisis.
All the work in this unique and far-reaching show is priced between £200 - £500. 20% of every sale will go to St Mungo’s to help the homeless, and to foster an environment in which people can overcome their isolation and rebuild their lives.
ONLINE ONLY from 25th May – 25th June 2020 at www.violethour.org
There are 24 artists in the show:
Yuki Aruga | Karen Beare | Kim Booker | Abi Box | Alfie Caine | Clare Dudeney | Rachel Goodison | Katie Goodwin | Tyga Helme | Jack Lewis | | Juliette Losq | Ann Mackowski || Suzy Moxhay | Max Naylor | Michael O’ Reilly | Amelia Power | Lex Shute | Bronwen Sleigh | Katie Trick | Felicity Warbrick | Jane Ward | Eleanor Watson | Alice Wilson | Maddie Yuille