I'm very excited to be one half of a duo show with artist & musician Rachel Lancaster at The Gallery, Tyneside Cinema, opening this Thursday 14th May 2015 18:00-20:00.
We met at the cinema during a residency in 2011 and have since collaborated on a new performance which uses everyday household objects to create foley sound effects to B-grade horror movie clips from the 50s and 60s.
We will be performing a one off performance of the piece The Brain Eaters at 18:30 which will be followed by a looped screening of 'Small Wonders' and the brand new Lancaster piece 'Pull'
If you would like to attend the performance evening, please email artsprogramme@tynesidecinema.co.uk by tomorrow 5pm.
Free exhibition of Small Wonders and Pull will continue in The Gallery on Fri 15 & Sat 16 May 10:00-1700 and Sun 17 May 11:00-17:00.
More details on Tyneside Cinema website
Small Wonders and Brain Eaters films were generously funded by a Wellcome Trust Small Arts Award.