Spike Island, Bristol screening 20th May 6pm

A second chance to the see Dawn of the Rainbow in the Ed Adams curated screening: Adventures in the Other Screen Trade at Spike Island.

Outcasting has been looking for artists whose work inhabits a different yet parallel world to the one described by William Goldman in his book ‘Adventures in the Screen Trade’. These artists manipulate the production values, techniques, content, sounds, cast-offs and memories of the film and television canon to make films that are rooted in the accepted language of mainstream film-making but are anything but mainstream.

This programme will include the work of Bobby Abate, Darren Banks, Tessa Garland, Katie Goodwin, Kika Nicolela, John Rowley & Ruaidhri Ryan.

My first Bolex film

Terence Preston, the microbiologist, who's voice and 1972 microscopic footage bought alive amoebae in the Small Wonders film, kindly gave me a beautiful Bolex 16mm camera that started the whole conversation. So rather than it sit on the shelf gathering dust, I decided to learn how to use this camera and start to incorporate the footage into my practice. I intend to take it to Finland as older mechanics work better in colder climes than digital battery powered cameras.

This short film is a result of a collaboration with animator Susan Young whilst on a Bolex course with  filmmaking co-op no.w.here. It was shot on location in Deptford and Greenwich whilst witnessing the May Day Jack-In-The-Green tradition.  So much fun.

British Council Arts Funding for Finland

Image by Helsinki based photographer blogger HannaV

Image by Helsinki based photographer blogger HannaV

The lovely people at The British Council as part of their artist International Development programme are helping  to fund the research and development of a new 16mm film about Darkness & Light pollution whilst on an Australian arts Council residency in Helsinki over winter 2014-15.

Review of Transformations by James Holden

Final performance after a year long tour around classical venues in regional UK - reviewed here. With thanks to Adrian Wilson (oboist & Ensemble 360), Laura Sillars (Site Gallery), Joan Parsons (Showroom Cinema) & Tracy Bryant (Music in the Round) for their support on this project and choosing me to make this film and a special thanks to Julia Dunn for being so generous with her talented father Ivor Beddoes' footage.